It is with great pleasure I’m finally able to share news about my memoir, He Plays a Harp. The official publication date of the book is May 11, 2014, Mother’s Day.

I didn’t set out to write a book, I just wanted to mark the fifth anniversary of Noah’s death with a piece of memorable writing. Thanks to The Rapidian, I had a place to publish it and the waves were set in motion. Readers reacted to the essay with encouragement and strong emotion and that’s pretty much all an author needs. Other essays followed. A few literary journals published essays, people shared them on social media and I knew Noah and I were on the right trajectory.
Over the course of three years, I remembered, I wrote, I revised and revised again.
I found a wonderful publisher close to home, Principia Media. I read an article about the company soon after I began writing and I always hoped they’d take me on as an author. They’re as enthusiastic about He Plays a Harp as I am. I’ve met some great people through the process—Principia’s CEO Vern Jones and Dirk Wierenga, who is an incomparable publishing advisor.
Over the next few months, news about my launch party, readings and media appearances will be shared here. I’ll be creating a new Facebook page for He Plays a Harp and sharing news on Twitter and Google Plus. I hope you’ll stop by for a reading and that the book’s messages around life, loss and love are memorable.
PS: And the cover? It’s an oil pastel drawing that my husband Mike created, we found it in his portfolio and thought it was perfect.